My name is Emanuel Jones, I was born in Greenville, Ms, and moved to Memphis, TN around the age of 9. I am an author, entrepreneur, mentor, consultant, philanthropist, personal growth specialist, speaker and so much more. I've been helping men with mental health issues, and workplace challenges for more than 7 years now. I specialize in helping find personal value and identity. I use these experiences to help build better communities and businesses.
The highest level of education I completed was high school. I've learned my knowledge through personal experiences. Since the age 17, I've owned companies such as: FYH Water, Kendallj Trucking, Emanuel Cleaning Services, Hollywood Lawn Services, and E Mobile Auto Services just to name a few. I've learned self employment from my grandmother Mrs. Jones. Whom was the first business owner I knew up until her untimely transition in 2016. Outside of owning my own my experience also came from working different occupations.
In my early 20s I had a mental breakdown but I bounced back without medication and counseling; it's just a story within it self. So all my testimonies, writing, and the life style I live today is through experiences. My experiences has taught me leadership, management, teamwork, customer service, how to over come mental problems, and personal problem solving. Along side integrity, discipline, hard work, and dedication.
I devote my time to growing myself and others for 2 reasons. With the first being this is my work, my gift, my purpose, and my passion that has been put before me and I know that in my heart. The second reason is to go through so many tough challenges of choices and able to see the results of them both is amazing. But also to understand no one makes it in life alone and having the power to help others is a even better reason for me to devote my time. The rest of my journey will be to empower people to become the leaders they are.
Copyright -Emanuel Jones (2024)